Local 797's Honor Gaurd presents "The Colors" at Fenway Park
The Auburn Firefighters Local 797 Honor Guard was asked to present colors (ceremonial flags and axes) at the opening of the Boston Red Sox game on Saturday May 7th, 2011. The game was against the Minnesota Twins, with the Sox winning 4-0, even after a couple of rain delays. The Honor Guard group marched out to center field just outside of the second base area and posted colors while the National anthem was sung. After the the National Anthem, the Honor Guard's duties were finished and marched back off from the field. The Boston Red Sox PR ambassadors allowed the Honor Guard to stay for the game. The Red Sox Club as a whole were most gracious hosts.

In the picture from left to right: Craig Bouchard, Scott Pray, Ryan Demers, Matt Fifield, Chip Keene, and Chris Morretto
Picture taken by John Roy also from Auburn Firefighters